Re: Re: HELP: win32 binaries !

From: Kenneth J.Davis (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 01:18:52 EDT

  • Next message: Sam Trenholme: "I vote to abort 1.0.0 and announce 1.0.1"

    Martin Sevior <> wrote on 4/23/2002 7:24:41 PM:
    >Hi Hub,
    > Jeremy Davis has some windows binaries at:

    This is a cvs build, it may not report itself as 1.0.0
    (I really forget what I called it, it probably reports its
     version as either 1.0.0k, 1.0.0+, 0.99.999, CVS, or some
     other random string.)

    In other words, it really should not be labeled as a 1.0.0
    download. I see (in looking ahead) that it (or other cvs build) was
    uploaded to sourceforge, see below about linking issues.

    >But I'm not sure which of the plugins work and which are installable

    For a list of plugins that last time I checked worked (could be
    loaded, appeared to do programmed behaviour, and didn't cause a segfault)
    on Windows, see the plugin list at
    (second half of list shows the ones that don't work and reason why, eg
     unix only, no Makefile, or in nroff plugin's case it only segfaults).
    Note that I haven't updated this list in the last month or so.

    >Here is what I think we should do:
    >1. Ask Jeremy which work as windows installables and move them to
    >sourceforge. (Hopefully done by this email.)

    The plugins (plugins/*.dll) with the above periodic binary should work[1],
    though AbiPaint is out of date and that only leaves AbiEML, BZ2Abw,
    and OpenWriter.
    [1] By should I mean there was no link problems (AbiPaint uses hack) so
        they probably work, not that I tested them.
    These were the results of a test build, thus none are wrapped with a
    pretty installer (installable executables).

    >2. Ask windows users to test them and report success/failure.
    >BTW I'm home sick for a couple of days.

    hope you get to feeling better soon :-)

    >On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
    >> Hi
    >> We still miss Win32 binaries for AbiWord 1.0.0. Without them we just
    >> can't release version 1.0.0 to the world. Can someone help and make
    >> some ?
    >> Thanks a lot.
    >> Hub

    I can compile Windows binaries, but not until either Wed. night or
    sometime Thursday (when I return to my other home).

    The question becomes what version do I compile, 1.0.0, current cvs,
    or can we tag a 1.0.1?

    I think using a (more or less) random cvs version is bad, at least for
    Windows builds. Since 1.0 is supposed to be a stable version, hopefully
    more plugins will appear for it. Plugins built today _will not_ work with
    a binary built using the 1.0.0 tarball, and _may or may not_ work with a
    binary built with tommorrows cvs source; all due to the dll trying to
    resolve imports that the plugin doesn't really need. Dynamic linking
    issues aside, most of the current plugins will not cleanly build anyway,
    due once again to link issues (starting to dislike the linker like me
    yet? If I get time, I'm going to investigate how much work it would be
    to not use AbiWord.lib import library -- maybe a .def file with only
    required imports or if need be explicit loadlibrary/getprocaddr).

    So, let me know what version of the source to compile, and which plugins
    you want and I will spend a couple hours building and packaging them. Also,
    do you want the plugins packaged separately (as done on the download page
    for Unix) or as we have done more recently as two collections tools/impexp
    (the simpler for users way). Note: I can get the plugins to link using the
    hack of explictly linking with gr_graphics.obj and abi_version.obj (or whatever
    those object files are), which should produce a working dll. I need to
    look into AbiMagick, as I built & linked it to libMagick 5.4.4 but it
    only caused AbiWord to freeze, not sure if its the hack I used to get it
    to link, a recent source change, or more likely some issue with how I
    built the library; so I need to retry using libMagick 5.4.3 that I used
    last time I built AbiMagick.

    Jeremy Davis

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