Fwd: Re: random differences (was Re: selections and combining characters)

From: Hubert Figuiere (hub@nyorp.abisource.com)
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 04:37:45 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: Fwd: Re: Pango portability (or rather the lack of it)"

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    To: Paul Rohr <paul@abisource.com>
    Cc: abiword-dev@abisource.com
    Subject: Re: random differences (was Re: selections and combining characters)
    References: <>
    From: Havoc Pennington <hp@redhat.com>
    Date: 24 Apr 2002 22:29:13 -0400
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    Paul Rohr <paul@abisource.com> writes:
    > Random differences, no. Of course. I hope we can continue to do at least
    > as good a job of leveraging existing sources of usable code as we have to
    > date. (I take a lot of pride in the fact that we've built so heavily on
    > proven XP codebases like expat, libwv, libpng, ispell, and many
    > others.)

    The problem is that Pango is essentially part of the look and feel for
    the GTK port. Where grapheme boundaries fall, how shaping is done,
    which fonts are available, etc. etc. It's going to be a really lame
    user experience if their word processor dialogs are different from the
    processor itself, IMO.

    I'm not much on library religion ("as many cool libraries as possible
    must be used") - I wouldn't use some of the libs the AbiWord GNOME
    port uses. But I think there's a real user issue here.
    I also think you guys could make important enhancements to Pango.

    > For example, the demands on a formatting engine (and its associated user
    > experience) can change a lot across the following spectrum:
    > - code editor with fixed-width fonts
    > - widgets with small rectangular chunks of text
    > - display-only formatting (such as a web browser)
    > - traditional word processing
    > - arbitrary page layout (more complex magazine/newspaper flows)
    > - full-on typographic control (a la Wired at it's best/worst)

    This is all layout stuff, and you don't want to use PangoLayout.

    What you do want to use is:

     - the font abstraction so you have the right set of fonts.
       the API here is just like Xft pretty much, and Xft
       is the standard unix font API going forward.
       So the font API should work fine.

     - the shapers

     - the text boundary algorithm

    And then there's a feature it doesn't have yet, namely printing, that
    you would want to use when it exists. Maybe you could write it. ;-)

    This is free software after all, and if there are just
    coordination/schedule issues you can always do a temporary fork of
    some kind then resync.

    > I can easily imagine substantial differences across some of those
    > gradations. Specifically, the more text you're handling at once, the more
    > aggressive your undo globbing should arguably be.

    That's all higher-level than Pango is. Pango is pretty much just
    taking a Unicode string, and selecting your font glyphs.
    > In short, differences certainly shouldn't be gratuitous, but I'm not totally
    > convinced that one size really does fit all across so wide a spectrum. It
    > very well might. I just don't know enough to tell either way.

    I'm quite sure there are small details of Pango that don't quite do
    what you need, but those can be fixed. We are talking free
    software. Pango is loosely inspired by Uniscribe which is the
    Microsoft API for all this I gather, it's meant to be quite general
    and low-level.

    Of course maybe you should be using Uniscribe on Windows. An
    abstraction layer for Pango/Uniscribe sounds like a world of
    pain... however this layer could conceivably be Pango itself, since
    GTK is also supposed to fit in on Windows.

    I don't know the right answer, I just find it hard to believe that
    creating a whole new system for something this
    fundamental/infrastructural is the right answer.


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