encoding APIs (was Re: directory structure ...)

From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 12:58:35 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Nordell: "Re: New development plans"

    At 05:42 PM 4/25/02 +0100, F J Franklin wrote:
    >I think I understood it. XAP always seems like GUI-related stuff.

    Agreed. I admit that I'm not familiar enough with the encoding manager to
    know which side of that line it "really" belongs on.

    >What got
    >me thinking about the encoding manager was working on the UTF8String class
    >where all I wanted to do was convert between UTF-8 & UCS-2, and felt very
    >frustrated about the apparent need to use XAP routines - in the end I
    >dodged the issue, but if Abi is going to be converting between UTF-* &
    >UCS-* internally then perhaps the encoding manager ought to be integrated
    >with the string class. It's not clear to me why the encoding manager is in
    >XAP anyway, though I'm sure there is (or was) a good reason. At the moment
    >iconv stuff is scattered, in UT_iconv, UT_[w]ctomb (ick) & XAP_Enc... and
    >isn't always treated very consistently, so perhaps a rewrite is in order

    Ick. As you suggest, some judicious refactoring might be in order here.
    Again, without looking at the code, I'd assume that there could be as many
    as three API layers here:

      1. low-level wrappers to manage iconv weirdness
      2. mid-level management of encodings
      3. GUI wrappers for #2 (if needed)

    Clearly #1 is UT and #3 is XAP. If #2 can be cleanly broken out, then it's
    more likely to belong with #1 in UT.

    interface cop

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