Re: further notes on using Pango

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 14:59:48 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: further notes on using Pango"

    At 7:13 PM +0100 4/25/02, Tomas Frydrych wrote:
    > > >(5) Develop a new XP font manager (some, but not much platform
    >> >code needed), no complexities here, all we need to is to be able to
    >> >retrieve font names and associate them with their Pango descriptions
    >> >(not unlike the Unix font manager), probably from a pregenerated text
    >> >file.
    >> Why doesn't FT fit the bill here - or is there something that
    >> I am not understanding about what you mean by a "Font
    >> Manager"?
    >We need some internal mechanism for filling the font combo box
    >with user readable names, and associating the font names in the
    >combo box with a the descriptive data with the PangoFont objects;
    >this should be straight forward.

            Got it! And that also requires integrating with some
    platform-centric code to get currently installed fonts. But you're
    right, doesn't sound bad at all.

    >It seems we would not need to directly interact with FreeType, the
    >Pango low-level api makes it possible to take a string and get back
    >a finished FT_Bitmap, which is better than I first thought, all we
    >would need is for each platform to implement a function for drawing
    >this bitmap on screen, everything else can be XP.


    >PS output would
    >be a bit more complicated, but at the same time, this would be an
    >excellent oportunity to move it into the XP land.

            Yes, since it would all sit on top of FT. And there are
    already a couple of FT-based PS and PDF generators in development (or
    even completed) that I've heard of that we should be able to lift
    code from.


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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