Re: further notes on using Pango

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 09:45:23 EDT

  • Next message: Leonard Rosenthol: "Re: further notes on using Pango"

    At 3:45 AM +0100 4/26/02, Andrew Dunbar wrote:
    >Am I right in believing we don't actually need to
    >build FreeType on platforms that already use the real
    >TrueType such as Windows and Mac?

            No, you are NOT correct.

    >FreeType is an exact reproduction of the TrueType APIs right?

            TrueType is a font format - it's NOT an SDK/API. FreeType
    is a library/SDK/API that provides a single API for access to
    numerous font formats (TrueType, Type1, OpenType, etc.).

    >I also
    >think TrueType is probably faster than FreeType and
    >of course it has the patent on hinting which is
    >usually turned off in FreeType for legal reasons.

            It is true that the TTF renderers in both Windows and MacOS
    have the license for the specifically patented hinting aspect of
    those fonts, and so for SOME glyphs in SOME fonts, they will render
    better with the native code than with FreeType.

            But having a single XP API for all platforms will be a worth
    (IMHO) the small cost of quality for those few glyphs & fonts -
    especially if we have the auto-hinter in FreeType enabled.


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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