Re: further notes on using Pango

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 12:14:23 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Dunbar: "Re: further notes on using Pango"

    At 4:57 PM +0100 4/26/02, Andrew Dunbar wrote:
    >I looked into it and TrueType specifies a file format
    >and a bunch of structures but the APIs are up to the
    >OS so Windows, Mac, and FreeType will have different
    >but analagous APIs.


    >I'm not familiar with any of them
    >but I'm in favour of an open design even if we only
    >aim for FreeType for now.

            In order to do that, we'd need to rewrite most of Pango to
    use our new abstracted API's instead of the direct calls to FreeType.
    The fact of the matter is that Pango already abstracts the platform
    API calls - but the only one of those that is close to complete is

            It's a LOT less work for us to get the FreeType backend to
    Pango working on all our platforms than to work on each individual

    >I personally want to get
    >familiar with the Windows APIs for the same things and
    >intend to investigate them when I next have a machine.

            I don't know how many calls Pango makes to the OS, but I
    suspect it's probably not too many...There may also be issues with
    Windows not exposing all the necessary information...


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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