A data point on freetype speed.

From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 06:06:04 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "Re: further notes on using Pango"

    Hi Folks,
             Soon after crossoverCoffice was released I bought a copy. The
    program uses an enhanced wine to run MSOffice apps in
    Linux. crossOverOffice is a great program and the codeweaver guys are
    really cool. If you need to run MS Word on Linux (like me) this is much
    better than VMWare or Win2Lin. There are a few visual glitches but the
    program is actually quite stable and much faster than the other
    solutions. It also faster than StarOffice though of course it's slower
    than us!

    (It also made it possible for me to finish up some niggly little issues
    with our RTF exporter.)

    Anyway, crossover uses FreeType2 to do anti-aliasing of the the MS Word
    text. On my admittedly fast machines this gives very good performance. My
    guess is that a FreeType 2 renderer will give good performance on abiword



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