Fwd: Re: random differences (was Re: selections and combining characters)

From: Hubert Figuiere (hub@nyorp.abisource.com)
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 05:44:30 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Fwd: Re: Pango?"

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    To: Paul Rohr <paul@abisource.com>
    Cc: abiword-dev@abisource.com
    Subject: Re: random differences (was Re: selections and combining characters)
    References: <>
    From: Havoc Pennington <hp@redhat.com>
    Date: 25 Apr 2002 23:07:35 -0400
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    Paul Rohr <paul@abisource.com> writes:
    > In a nutshell, it almost sounds like Pango needs us more than we need Pango
    > -- for the moment, at least. Given the relative resources being invested in
    > GNOME vs. AbiWord, that sounds backwards. ;-)

    GNOME != Pango. I'm not sure Pango has many resources at all. ;-)

    I freely admit that you may be right there about Pango needing
    work. However the main point I'm making is simply that building one
    piece of infrastructure here is the Right Thing for free software.

    The thing is, this is a piece of infrastructure where you have a ton
    of special-case knowledge embedded in the specific implementation.
    That's the kind of infrastructure it bugs me to have several copies
    of. I don't care about sharing PNG readers or XML parsers, because
    they're all the same and all conform to an external spec, the
    specific implementation of those doesn't matter.

    > What both of our communities face is a recruiting problem -- not enough
    > developers have shown up who are ready, willing, and able to do the
    > necessary work in this area. In the mean time, it's up to lone heroes like
    > Owen and Tomas to do whatever makes the most sense to them.


    > Compared to that, the rest of us are just lobbyists, right? :-)

    Oh I am definitely just a lobbyist here. I'm just trying to convince
    Tomas to do the additional work to help out in the big picture,
    instead of just focusing on AbiWord.

    I'm a big fan of having as many users as possible for infrastructure
    bits, including users on other platforms. More users means fewer bugs,
    more developers, all the good stuff.


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