Re: white space vs non-breaking space

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 14:10:00 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "Re: white space vs non-breaking space"

    Hi Frank,

    > Is there a reason why non-breaking spaces (0xA0) have been added to
    > the white-space table? Does AbiWord's piece-table not have support for
    > non-breaking space? Is there a reason why it can't just be treated
    > like a normal character?

    It was me who added this, and I cannot remember exactly why (and
    stupid me did not put that into the comments), except I did this when
    making the toggle case algorithm handle non-Latin1 languages
    better. Now, semantically, I think non-breaking space should behave
    just like a normal space, that's why I was surprised it was classified
    as common separator, not white space.

    Anyway, is this giving you problems anywhere? If it is, just comment
    it out, and we will see if it causes problems elsewhere.


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