Yiddish spelling for Abiword

From: Raphael Finkel (raphael@cs.uky.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 09:03:51 EDT

  • Next message: Mugurel Tudor: "updated romanian translation"

    I have built an ispell hash file for Yiddish/UTF8/YIVO.

    I will put it in http://www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/yiddish.utf8.hash.gz tomorrow.
    (I had transfer problems today.)

    Here is how I decided on the various questions that Andrew Dunbar raises:

    > Firstly, ispell and aspell (which we use for our spell-checking) can only
    > handle 8-bit encodings, so you need to find an encoding which you can convert
    > the Unicode to this format.

    I used ispell's tools and let them pretend to be using an 8-bit encoding. All
    of UTF8 can be considered to be just bytes if you want.

    > that there is more than one orthography or spelling standard, so we need to
    > be able to tell people which one it uses.

    I am using the YIVO (yidishe visnshaftlekhe institutsye = Yiddish Scientific
    Institute) "takones far der eynhaytlekher oysleyg" = rules for uniform
    spelling, published around 1950, and generally accepted since then.

    > Some spelling standards require vowel points in certain places whereas in
    > others they are always optional.

    Vowel points are required in certain places. There are no options.

    > find if there is an Encoding which
    > supports the vowel points - hopefully they do.

    UTF8 supports the full range of Yiddish characters.

    Raphael Finkel

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