re: ttftool violates the Berne convention

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 16:52:17 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: feasible smart quote solution"

    I am the culprit who removed the copyright notice from the files from
    ttfps which are used in ttftool, I have done so without a malicious
    intent, after some deliberation in the light of the "licence" with which
    the program comes. The readme file from the package contains the
    following statement:


    This software is provided with no guarantee, not even of any kind.

    Feel free to do whatever you wish with it as long as you don't ask me
    to maintain it.

    I understood this as implying two things: (1) the code was placed
    into a public domain; the statement effectively renders the copyright
    notices meaningless, because "whatever" includes the removal of
    them. (2) the author wanted to pretty much disassociate himself
    from any responsibility for code once released.

    Having extended the code, I assumed that the author would not want
    to be associated with any new bugs, and felt it appropriate to
    remove the copyright notices; without this step the author would
    have been likely receiving numerous bug reports and requests for

    Not having included the author in AW credits list was a _bad_
    oversight, for which I appologize. I am also more than happy to have
    the (c) lines included back in the files. However, I would like to point
    out, without trying to excuse bad error of judgement on my part, that
    if a persons wishes to maintain intellectual rights on software they
    write and distribute, they do have to include meaningful licence; the
    statement in the ttfps readme does not fall into that category.

    Tomas Frydrych

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