Re: Commit: AbiMagick graphics class sort-of works

From: Bob Friesenhahn (
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 17:05:38 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Commit: AbiMagick graphics class sort-of works"


    Leonard Rosenthol forwarded your message to me regarding Magick++'s
    inability to specify that text is formatted as UTF-8.

    I'd like to get this fixed right the first time since I try to avoid
    changes to Magick++'s API. It has got to be right the first time

    There are two options that I see for passing the text encoding option:

     o Add a constructor to DrawableText that also specifies the encoding:

         DrawableText ( const double x_, const double y_,
                        const std::string &text_,
                        const std::string &encoding_);


     o Create a new drawable object for specifying the text encoding:

         DrawableTextEncoding ( const std::string &encoding_ );

       which is used like


    I currently have both schemes implemented, but expect to delete one of
    them. I favor attaching the encoding to the text since it is possible
    that an application uses several encodings and this fully specifies
    the meaning of the text. In addition, adding the encoding to the text
    allows DrawableText to be used without a list.


    Bob Friesenhahn

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