Abiword as a Netscape/Mozilla plugin for Unix

From: Alan Horkan (horkana@tcd.ie)
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 11:49:53 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: kill snprintf in some XP code"

    I have not tried this but it seems interesting

    And in case anyone missed earlier mentions of the Abiword Plugin for
    by Oeone
    here it is again

    These are both only for unix like systems, yet another good reason for me
    to use unix more. If there are any mozilla users/hackers on the lists
    maybe they might be able to make some minor modifcations to get these
    different plugins to work with Abiword on *other* Operating Systems or
    possibly wrap either plugin in an nice easy to use Mozilla XPI (Cross
    Platform Installer).

    If users are intersted in helping there is usually something you can do to
    help. As mentioned in the weekly news we are trying to be more active
    about using the Project of the Week (POW) system to encourage people to
    contribute and offer many things that cater to a variety of diffent
    skills. You dont have to be a hacker to make nice clipart or a good
    template or put together a getting started with Abiword tutorial for the
    documentation, helping with bugzilla. (I am fishing for contributors
    because I wish I was making more useful contributions, so instead I try
    and help make the community a nice place that we are all glad to be a part


    Alan Horkan

    PS i CC'ed the author of this program, i hope he doesnot mind
    PPS please make sure to reply to only one address.

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