commit: more towards Win32 Frame refactoring

Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 18:35:30 EST

  • Next message: Mike Nordell: "Re: Warning platform maintainers"

    Ok here is the last of my changes until tommorrow
    (or Wed). Everything should compile, but I still need
    to do some work so it will run. (Everything is
    there, but I need to see how _createWindow was previously
    invoked as it no longer is; that and I just need to
    check over my work.) If anyone else wants to play with
    this, glance over src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Frame*
    and you can see my comments.


    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: af\xap\xp/xap_Frame.cpp wp\ap\xp/ap_Frame.cpp
    CVS: wp\ap\xp/ap_Frame.h af\ev\win/ev_Win32Toolbar.cpp
    CVS: af\xap\win/xap_Win32App.cpp
    CVS: af\xap\win/xap_Win32DragAndDrop.cpp
    CVS: af\xap\win/xap_Win32DragAndDrop.h
    CVS: af\xap\win/xap_Win32FrameImpl.cpp
    CVS: af\xap\win/xap_Win32FrameImpl.h wp\ap\win/ap_Win32Frame.cpp
    CVS: wp\ap\win/ap_Win32Frame.h wp\ap\win/ap_Win32FrameImpl.cpp
    CVS: wp\ap\win/ap_Win32FrameImpl.h
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    most of Win32 frame refactoring done

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Dec 02 2002 - 18:36:50 EST