Re: commit: abi: ugly hack

From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 18:28:33 EST

  • Next message: Mike Nordell: "commit: fl_TableLayout.cpp"

    F J Franklin wrote:

    > If anyone can think of a real solution, then please, please,...
    > Anyway, the basic problem is that Solaris does the following in unistd.h:
    > #define truncate truncate64

    Great, just like Micros~1 and their e.g.
    #define GetMessage GetMessageA

    The only solution I know is to add something like the followig after the
    #include's. It sucks, and two wrongs doesn't make a right, but out of two
    great evils I believe the following is the lesser.

    #ifdef truncate
    #undef truncate


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