XIM available?

From: Raphael Finkel (raphael@cs.uky.edu)
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 13:17:22 EST

  • Next message: Mark Gilbert: "Re: compile problem"

    I would like to use an X-Windows Input Method (XIM for short) to enter
    keystrokes into AbiWord. I have built an XIM program that works (mostly)
    with the Yudit editor; it would be nice if AbiWord would recognize the
    Unix environment variable XMODIFIERS and try to connect to the input method
    so specified. (Or do it more like Yudit: have a menu for the user to
    select which XIM to try to attach to.) Anyone who wants to play with my
    XIM can grab a copy at http://www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/private/keypressIM.c ;
    it is set up specifically to allow Yiddish to be entered conveniently.

    Raphael Finkel

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