Copy, Paste, and Styles

From: David Chart (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 13:07:00 EST

  • Next message: ericzen: "Re: commit: abi: new dialog for HTML export options"

    I've not been able to connect to Bugzilla for ages, so I'm afraid I have
    to send the bug report to the list. Sorry.

    Cut and paste is bad at preserving formatting. To see this, set up a
    document with styles that differ from the built-in defaults. Cut a
    fragment of a paragraph, and paste it elswhere. Some formatting is lost.
    In particular, language information is lost. (For example, if I cut
    en-US text and paste to elsewhere in an en-US document, it gets pasted
    as en-GB.)

    Now try with a whole paragraph. The paragraph following the pasted one
    loses any special paragraph formatting. (Justified text, indented first
    line, space before, etc.)

    Also, Abi doesn't like you trying to select a multi-line paragraph. If
    you click and drag in the margins to select by line, you also select the
    paragraph return closing the previous paragraph. Indeed, this happens if
    you try to select the first line of any paragraph. A paragraph should
    include the closing, but not the opening, paragraph return, because the
    first paragraph in a document doesn't have an opening return but it does
    have a closing one.


    David Chart

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