cvs request

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 10:21:43 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: cvs request"

    Hello all,

    Assuming no one objects:
    I was wondering if someone with appropriate permissions and knowledge would
    do me a favor and do two things for me, branch NSIS so I can update it
    to 2.0beta without effecting the stable branch and create a peer curl
    module. I want to start working on the Windows installer and I want to
    use some of the features available in NSIS v2. I can of course do this
    without the split, but I won't commit any changes to abiword.nsi until
    I can also update NSIS. The curl module is more for convenience of
    others and so I can enable it for nightly builds. It need not have files,
    I can add them, I just rather someone else create the initial cvs module
    so I can verify at least one other person would like it to exist. :-)

    Oh, source tarballs and Win32 nightly builds should once again be available
    on (no tinderbox client as presently it cvs updates
    the source and then copies it for clean builds only once a day; I can
    renable the tinderbox client if desired, but I'd want to know how often
    to pull from cvs (how often to build) ... to keep resource usage to minimal)


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