Loss of enthusiasim for AbiWord

Subject: Loss of enthusiasim for AbiWord
From: Bryce Nesbitt (bryce@obviously.com)
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 07:54:34 CST

This is an expression of frustration.

For well over a year a serious issue caused by AbiWord has been known.
The lack of interest in addressing this issue has just about deflated
my interest in AbiWord. While other major changes are going into
Abi (like multithreaded loading), and other minor changes (e.g.
named colors like "lightblue") a basic operational issue goes unaddressed:

It's the top voted bug too:

And features prominently in other bug systems:

Yet it's been closed (as "irrelevant") several times, and it's
been called "nowhere near a priority". Patches for the bug get ignored.
This attitude towards the health and welfare of
other programs running on Linux harms AbiWord, and it's a shame.


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