trying to commit -- make install for perl bindings et al.

From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Sun Feb 10 2002 - 17:05:21 GMT

  • Next message: Joaquin Cuenca Abela: "patch -- make install for perl bindings et al."

    make install for perl bindings (using auto{conf,make}) should be now
    fully functional, done by Frodo and me at the same time :(.

    btw, I've fixed a bug that prevented to execute the same script more
    than once in the same session, and now you can see the errors of your
    scripts in a dialog box (again :)

    I've also fixed a little error that showed up when you clicked in the
    "Credits" menu item (in the help menu). The code that was building the
    url of the credits file was reading memory that was not allocated (it
    was only 1 byte before the allocated chunk, but that still counts as
    overflow :)

    Now, I'm not able to reach, and so I'm not able to
    commit. Is it a local problem, or everybody has the same problem?


    Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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