t602 importer broken on win32

From: Petr Tomasek (tomasek@etf.cuni.cz)
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 12:57:48 GMT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: t602 importer broken on win32"


    I'm the author of the t602 importer in abiword. I just tried it under
    win32 and it's a little bit broken. However I cannot compile under win32
    and don't know how to debug it either.

    Could someone make me hint how could I find the bug /fix it?

    I'm currently not home, I'll come back next Tuesday. Then I could send some
    test files, if someone would be interrested in helping me.

    Thank You very much!

    Petr Tomasek

    Petr Tomasek, http://www.etf.cuni.cz/~tomasek/

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