Error while saving document with PNG

Subject: Error while saving document with PNG
From: Adrian Phillips (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 08:21:56 CST

I have an existing document which I am unable to save after changes
have been made and after having compiled with Gnome VFS; saving using
the same version without Gnome saves without error.

The error comes from ie_exp.cpp :-

        GnomeVFSURI * uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new (szFilename);

        UT_DEBUGMSG(("File: %s\n", szFilename));
        if (!uri)
            UT_DEBUGMSG(("GnomeVFS could not open the uri: %s\n", szFilename));
            return false;

        result = gnome_vfs_create_uri (&m_fp, uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE, FALSE, 0644);
        if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK)
            UT_DEBUGMSG(("DOM: could not open file for writing!\n"));
            UT_DEBUGMSG(("DOM - reason: %s\n", gnome_vfs_result_to_string (result)));
            return false;

The debug info (with my extra line) is :-

DEBUG: File: mail_hub.abw
DEBUG: DOM: could not open file for writing!
DEBUG: DOM - reason: Invalid URI

I'm debugging further but have little experience with GnomeVFS so it
may take some time to make any progress so feel free to jump in with
suggestions (or fixes :-)




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