proprietary plugins

Subject: proprietary plugins
From: Rui Miguel Seabra (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 13:35:23 CST


 I'd like to bring this to all of you, and I think we hsould have this
by 1.0 (as a requirement).

 Since we have plugins support, and plugins can interfere heavily with
abiword's functionality and behaviour, we should have a way to
determinate (it can't ever be foolprof, but something is better than
nothing) wether a problem could possibly be arising from the proprietary

 Such plugins, are not allowed, however, someone can do them.
 We should use something in the likes of what the kernel now does: it
displayts a warning that it is tainted when it has proprietary modules.

 If someone is using an abiword with a proprietary plugin, and he/she 's
felling lot's of crashes, corrupt documents, etc, who's the fault? Ours,
or of some plugin nobody can properly debug but the author?
 I think we must not fall in the position of receiving complains about a
tainted abiword.
 We already do not allow proprietary plugins, but we have to decide
what's in our easiest reach: to prosecute for GNU GPL violation and/or
refuse to support any tainted version.

Hugs, rms

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
+ So let's do it...?

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