PATCH: WordPerfect Import Updates

Subject: PATCH: WordPerfect Import Updates
From: William Lachance (
Date: Sat Jan 12 2002 - 15:15:24 CST

This patch does the following:

- Changes the way the importer skips over a group (reading the size byte and
doing an fseek instead of just checking for an endbyte) -- this fixes many
import problems that were occuring, particularly for bugs like #2086.
- beginnings of embedded images. doesn't do anything yet, but parses out some
of the information in the image group
- added some more types of groups (just skips them, but this still prevents
garbage from appearing in more complicated document)

I've checked this with most of my documents, and it works as well or better
than before in all cases (MUCH better in the case of an 18 page paper that
Angus Carr had posted in a bug report). Please apply.

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