Russian charset problem / XP

Subject: Russian charset problem / XP
From: Piotr Banski (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 20:43:24 CST

This is something I'd like to alert the l10n people to. As reported in

Russian tooltips and menus use two different charsets: cp1251 and koi8-r,
respectively. If the original reporter is right about the status of each
of them, this is not merely a problem of changing one of them or waiting
until tooltips will be handled in .strings files, but it involves an
XP-related decision, much more complicated than e.g. choosing Latin-2 over
cp1250 (it seems to me). He says: "The fact is that cp1251 is (almost) the
only cyrillic cp for win gui, and koi8-r (and koi8-u) is de-facto cyr
encoding standard on unix systems."

I'm not a specialist in this, so as I said, I merely want to signal a
possible problem that should be solved before 1.0.

Good night,

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