commit: abiword-plugins: new autoskip mechanism

Subject: commit: abiword-plugins: new autoskip mechanism
From: F J Franklin (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 10:42:20 CST

Tired of plugins and their ceaseless whining about dependencies?
Well, brighten up! Here's the solution to all your woes!

From fjf, in association with hub, comes an invention that will

The _new_autoskip_mechanism_ is designed to lift the burden of failed
dependencies from you shoulders. Take 2 libraries into the shower?
No longer! Now you can just configure & go!

<print type="small">
Individual plugin configure scripts need to be modified to take advantage
of the revolutionary new autoskip mechanism.

o 2 new macros: report system & autoskip mechanism
- ABI_PLUGIN_REPORT(<message>) append <message> to file "plugin.status".
- write "plugin.status" to screen at end of configuration.
- ABI_PLUGIN_AUTOSKIP(<message>,<makefile>)
  If autoskip isn't disabled (--disable-autoskip), create fake makefile
  called <makefile> (typically "GNUmakefile"), report <message> using
  ABI_PLUGIN_REPORT, and exit nicely.
  If disabled, echo <message> to screen, and terminate configuration.

CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: ac-helpers/abi-plugin-init.m4
CVS: ac-helpers/abi-plugin-setup.m4
CVS: Added Files:
CVS: ac-helpers/abi-plugin-autoskip.m4
CVS: ac-helpers/abi-plugin-report.m4

Regards, Frank

Francis James Franklin

It's getting them wrong that is living, getting them wrong and wrong and
wrong and then, on careful reconsideration, getting them wrong again.
That's how we know we're alive: we're wrong.
                                                         --- Philip Roth

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