[POW] find a Windows maintainer

From: Hubert Figuiere (hfiguiere@teaser.fr)
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 04:10:00 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Implement top ruler dragging of column postions."

    This is the second Project Of the Week for this week (we haven't had
    any for several month)

    Find a Windows maintainer. For some reason, Michael Pritchett told us
    that he is having less time to work on AbiWord. Michael has been
    maintaining unofficially the Windows build for a while. But it is time
    to pass on. The official maintainer is still Thomas Briggs, but we
    haven't heard from him for a while.

    So it is time to pass on, and we need someone to take over Windows
    maintenace for AbiWord. Once we have a volunter, I'll change in
    bugzilla the owner of the windows bugs.

    Thanks for your volunteering.


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