Final release notes, changelog

From: Mark Gilbert (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 04:21:01 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "tinderbox is back"

    No guarantee that these are in sync, as the last minute changes came in
    it became hard to maintain them identically. Should be alright though.
    Comments about changelog go to dchart.


    AbiWord 1.0.2 "Hold me, love me, embed me" Release Notes

    AbiWord 1.0.2 "Hold me, love me, embed me" Release Notes

    These release notes describe changes, system requirements, installation instructions, known issues, and feedback for AbiWord 1.0.2. These release notes are updated when we receive feedback, so please check back for new information.

    AbiWord 1.0.2 "Hold me, love me, embed me" Release Notes
        These release notes describe changes, system requirements, installation instructions, known issues, and feedback for AbiWord 1.0.2. These release notes are updated when we receive feedback, so please check back for new information.

    What's New
        Embedable AbiWord! Now you can view AbiWord documents in Evolution and Gnumeric. Is it not nifty?
            GDict plugin now builds without libgdict installed.
            Bugfixes in AbiPaint and AbiMagick for Win32 platforms.
            Some AbiMagick and AbiGimp enhancements.
            Wikipedia plugin works again.
            French documentation.
            Documentation generation scripts now allow for multiple languages.
            Win32 now allows for Arabic and Hebrew lists, as well as improved bidi list support.
            Finnish system profile.
            Japanese, Swedish, Welsh, French, German, and Lithuanian localization updates.
        Build system
            Minor fixes all around.
            Improved build system documentation (BUILD.TXT).
            Updated RPM spec for GNOME embedding.
            RTF importer now handles /sectd.
            Several LaTeX exporter fixes.
            Bug numbers fixed (not a complete list): 3301, 3171, 3215, 2223, 3332.
            A number of unnumbered bugs.
            Code cleanup.
    System Requirements
        AbiWord is fast and lean, leaving a very small footprint despite its wonderful features. It does not take much to run this word processor.
        Detailed system requirements are available at
        Installation instructions are available at
        There is also help in the source distribution if you choose to build from source.
        Downloads may be found at and
        Additionally, many flavors of Unix or Unix-like environment carry AbiWord or have it in their ports collection.
    Known Issues
        There are some mysterious printing bugs, particularly on Win32 platforms, that we have not been able to track down because they are rare and not reproducible by the developers. Please give us as much information as possible if you encounter these, but when posting to bugzilla use the bug(s) that already exist instead of filing a new one. This is easier on us and you.
        The FreeTranslation plugin has been disabled in the build system. Due to a change in the way the FreeTranslation site handles requests, the plugin is useless. A complete rewrite is needed before it is re-enabled.
        To request a feature or suggest an idea, see
        For support, see
        We cannot stress enough that while we want to find and fix bugs, duplicate reports only slow us down and divide resources. Please check for prior reports and add your comments there.
        We love CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. Be friendly, appropriate, and patient. It always helps to counter pointing out a problem by pointing out something you like. Developers will be much more eager to help.
    How to Contribute
        AbiWord is free and open source. The developers are volunteers, and resources are limited. Any help is appreciated.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Wed Jun 05 2002 - 04:22:03 EDT