What are the minimal tests that should be performed when building packages?

From: Kenneth J.Davis (jeremyd@computer.org)
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 17:08:10 EDT

  • Next message: David Chart: "Custom Toolbars"

    Hello all,

    This sorta goes along with the regression testing discussion a while back.
    As I occasionally build for Windows, I would appreciate if someone could
    help direct me to [or suggest] a list of specific tests I should perform before
    making the build available. I am referring more to a minimal set of tests
    [after all, I only have so much time] and not a complete suite that
    would best be done by 3rd party QA testers (aka AbiWord users)
    [though if it does exists then I am interested in it as well, or could
     make my own minimal set from it].

    Also, was an abiword-qa (or similar) mailing list ever created? or is there
    any plan to create such a list?

    Off topic, but hurray! :-) tinderbox is back! :-)

    Jeremy Davis

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