Re: Custom Toolbars

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 20:18:06 EDT

  • Next message: Mark Gilbert: "Re: What are the minimal tests that should be performed when building packages?"

    On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, David Chart wrote:

    > If you turn on 'Enable Custom Toolbars', and then change to, say, the BiDi
    > build, or a new version with a new button, the new buttons don't appear on
    > your toolbars, and there is no UI to warn you. This has caused problems --
    > the thread on the user list about BiDi support not working largely comes
    > from this. (And Hub's assumption that those buttons always appear on BiDi
    > builds is wrong, for this reason.)

    Yes this is an issue. If you customize your toolbar buttons then this gets
    saved to your setup. If you the customized setup doesn't include a new
    button that appears in a build(either coz someone just coded it or because
    you changed builds) you won't see it because you'll just load your
    customized toolbars. Since you can remove buttons from the toolbar, this
    is I think the natural behaviour.

    > There is obviously a bug here somewhere, but it's not obvious to me where,
    > so I'm posting here rather than filing in bugzilla. Could custom toolbars
    > be stored as differences from the standard? Or the standard set recorded so
    > that you get a warning if the standard set supplied by the app is different
    > from the one you changed against? Obviously, warning whenever the standard
    > set is different from your current set is the wrong thing to do.
    > Custom toolbars should certainly default to 'off', given this, but I've not
    > used default prefs for a long time, so I can't remember what the current
    > situation is.

    That is true. However here the user didn't know that he had to turn off
    his customized setting in order to find the new toolbar buttons.

    This is an issue with our "release often" policy. If the user had a stable
    abiword of the kind he liked he would not have had the problem.

    Maybe this should go in the documentation under "customizing".



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