commit HEAD: more hidden text stuff

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Sat Jun 08 2002 - 11:51:21 EDT

  • Next message: Christian Biesinger: "Re: commit: abiword-plugins: --spec option to"

    Improved logic for moving insertion point across hidden text,
    allowing for hidding entire blocks, both via the display:none
    property, and using the collapse()/isCollapsed() mechanism.

    added several new functions to fl_ContainerLayout:

      bool canContainPoint()
      virtual bool _canContainPoint()

    In addition I have replaced most of the separate calls in FV_View of
    the type

            pBlock = _findBlockAtPos();
            pRun = pBlock->findPointCoords();

    with _findPositionCoords(). The reason for this is that the latter
    handles hidden blocks. I have also added const qualifiers to several
    functions in the FV_View class.

    files: fl_ContainerLayout.h/cpp, fl_BlockLayout.cpp, fp_Run.h,
    fv_View*.cpp, ap_EditMethods.cpp


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