Re: patch -- Xft stuff

From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 06:36:07 EDT

  • Next message: Christian Biesinger: "Re: patch -- Xft stuff"

    --- phearbear <> wrote:
    > Joaquín Cuenca Abela wrote:
    > >
    > >Also the insert dialog box now does The Right
    > Thing[TM], but that means
    > >that we need a little bit of platform specific cody
    > (to pass from a
    > >glyph index to unicode code point). I've done the
    > unix part, and I will
    > >do the windows part, but somebody else will have to
    > do the
    > >BeOS/QNX/MacOS parts.
    > >
    > QNX Don't use Xft. Or is the stuff with the insert
    > symbol dialog
    > something else?

    It's something else. This patch contains several

    1) Xft2 rendering
    2) Uses fontconfig to discover fonts
    3) Fixes to the layout code to prevent redrawing
    several times the same text (when you don't use AA
    text it doesn't matters too much, but with AA text you
    should always draw the text over the background)
    4) Fixes to the Insert Dialog box.
    5) Fixes to the ps generation system. Notably to be
    able to use without any additional configuration
    truetype fonts for the printer.

    The point that needs a bit of platform specific code
    is the insert dialog box.

    To perform properly, it needs a way to get the unicode
    coverage of a font. That's what has to be done in
    platform specific code.

    Note that my solution is still not perfect. Using the
    unicode code point of the characters on the font, I'm
    limiting the insert dialog box to the first "variant"
    of each character (ie, you will not have access to
    swash characters, etc.), but afaik anyway our backend
    can't yet handle them.

    It will maybe be better to print the glyphs in the
    font, convert from glyph index to unicode code point,
    and store it with some kind of metainformation to say
    if we're using a variant of the character.

    Anyway the first most important application of all
    that will be for the HAN "des"-unification, and we can
    do it with the lang of the document, without too much
    help from the insert symbol dialog.

    The other important application will be advanced
    typography, choosing alternative glyphs, swash, etc.

    In short, it's not yet perfect, but it's in a much
    MUCH better shape now. Now we can easily add to the
    gui a way to query for a unicode point, and show the
    whole list of glyphs (except variants) of the font,
    and not only the first 255 chars.

    If something is not yet clear, please ask.

    You should implement the GR_Graphics::??? (ops, I
    don't remember, but I'm sure your compiler will
    complain about a lacking virtual function in
    GR_QNXGraphics :)


    Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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