Re: patch -- Xft stuff

From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 07:21:27 EDT

  • Next message: Joaquin Cuenca Abela: "Re: patch -- Xft stuff"

    Two things to remember:

    1) Don't use it with Gtk+-2.

    Gtk 2 uses Xft1, and you will need to link at the same
    time with the two versions of the library. It's kind
    of "ironic", but by now you should choose: Antialias
    in your menu labels or antialias in your AbiWord

    (for the record, I don't use Xft2 just because it's
    the latest. I need the functions to explore the
    unicode coverage of the font, and afair they're not
    disponible with Xft. If somebody finds a way to get
    insert symbol to work with Xft1 I will backport).

    2) It's for STABLE, not for HEAD.

    I will update it for head as time permits, but by now
    my main target is STABLE. I will likely roll some
    unofficial binaries with Xft/fontconfig support, and I
    don't want to wait until the next version of HEAD.

    To enable the xft support, you will have to pass


    to configure.

    It will try to detect your Xft/fontconf version. You
    need Xft2.

    If everything's ok, at the end of the configure stage
    you should see something as

    Xft support enabled


    Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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