Re: more XFt stuff

From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 19:40:00 EDT

  • Next message: Joaquin Cuenca Abela: "Re: more XFt stuff"

    Hi Martin!

    Martin wrote:
    > Hi Joaquin,
    > Maybe this patch should be committed to both GTK2 and HEAD
    > first. The idea is that we'll want this code for version 2 or whatever we
    > call the next stable release of abiword anyway and you'll get more
    > eyeballs and testers for your patch.
    > If we're all happy it could be backported to 1.0.*.
    > I am comcerned though that it breaks some of the assumptions about the
    > 1.0.X series. One advantage of not adding this to that series is that the
    > 1.0.x has an excellent gtk-only build that is very widely useful to a
    > large number of uncies. You don't need the great new stuff being developed
    > for XFree to run it. So AbiWord 1.0.X can be run on any Unix with a half
    > decent X11 server.

    I agree that we have an excellent 1.0.x version, but you should take in
    account in your judment that my patch doesn't broken[*] current assumptions
    about need libraries nor X version.

    Xft2 (AFAIK it was not the case with Xft1) doesn't needs the render
    extension in the Xserver. That means that we can (IMO we should) embed
    Xft/fontconfig/xrender client in abiword, possibly globally renaming
    s/Xft/AbiXft/g to avoid collisions with the Xft1 included in gtk+-2.

    That way we can deliver AbiWord to everybody, even those using
    obsolete^H^H^H^H^H^H commercial X servers. (Btw, that's the way that the
    mozilla guys have picked.)

    Of course in the (distant) future, when Xft2 will be widely available, we
    can provide AbiWord binaries without our Xft embedded, but by now that's the
    plan in my head.

    Please, don't take that as I'm trying to get this patch in STABLE at
    whatever prize. I'm aware that this kind of patch in not well suited for
    STABLE, that's why I was asking for a separate release number (probably a
    unofficial release only for hackers that want to test new stuff).

    [*]: I've not yet embedded Xft2/fontconft in my patch, but that's mainly
    because until I'm finished with it, I prefer spend my time coding instead of
    doing autoconf/automake hacks. I hope everybody will understand that :-)


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