Twiki stuff (Attn. RK)

From: Mark Gilbert (
Date: Sat Jun 29 2002 - 20:36:39 EDT

  • Next message: Pierre Abbat: "Re: Basque (Eusakara) Translation"

    Eh, first off, with all due respect, please remember to place symlinks
    (or some twiki-specific equivalent) when renaming topics so that old
    links aren't broken. Example: BugPolicy was moved to FaqBugPolicy.

    Also, consider making sure that topic names are as open as possible.
    Like, LinFaqTrueTypeFontsOnLinux applies to unix in general, not just

    And, on the subject of LinFaqTrueTypeFontsOnLinux, is it against wiki
    culture/tradition/chivalry/whatever to make the topic names a wee bit
    more concise? Example: LinFaqTrueTypeFontsOnLinux is long and
    redundant. Since we already know it's for linux because of "LinFaq",
    could we drop the "OnLinux"?

    Just a couple suggestions, to be freely ignored
    -MG (watching a soldier-roach run laps around the room, seemingly
    working out)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Sat Jun 29 2002 - 20:40:07 EDT