Paging doctor Martin :)

From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Sat Mar 02 2002 - 17:28:44 GMT

  • Next message: Blue Lizard: "KDE pasting (again)"


    I've had a quick look at two Bugs today, and think you're the man for
    fixing them.

    First off, there's a header/footer crasher found by my girlfriend
    today (I was showing her how lovely a WP AbiWord is, and she crashed
    it hard in two minutes!). It's Bug 2817.

    The second Bug I looked at was Bug 1066. I'm not sure what the real
    problem is, but I think there's an incremental-loader problem masking
    it. In FV_Vire::getMouseContext there's a if(getPoint()==0) check - IIRC
    that was what you suggested people use to fix incremental-loader

    Two issues with that:

     1) It doesn't work when loading the document of Bug 1066. Dunno why.
        But if I'm not mistaken, a better check would be for
        (!m_pLayout->getFirstPage()), at least in this particular function.

     2) Wouldn't it make good sense to add an inline function (named
        appropriately) to wrap around that point==0 check: to the casual
        reader it would make a great deal more sense with a well-named
        function, than a check for a property that just happens to match
        whatever state in the document you want to wait for when doing a
        incremental-load. (i.e., add incrementalLoadInProgress which
        hides the if(getPoint()==0) check away and helps self-document the
        code in the process).


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