XML_char vs char and BeOS assert impl

From: Stephane Fritsch (sfritsch@noos.fr)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 22:19:50 GMT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: XML_char vs char and BeOS assert impl"


    1) My compiler doesn't like the way XML_char and char are mixed.

    2) BeOS doesn't handle keyboard input and abort() very well
    when the app is multi-threaded. This make UT_ASSERT unusable
    on BeOS.

    Here is a patch that should fix both pbs.

    I have implemented BeOS version of UT_ASSERT as a modal dialog
    which offers to
    - exit
    - continue
    - or call the debugger

    Could you please commit it or send me remarks ?


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