AbiWord compile options

From: Scott (mrphido@prodigy.net)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 20:46:50 GMT

  • Next message: Michael D. Pritchett: "commit - MSVC fix Re: commit: wv: recovery roll"

    I said a while ago I would work on this and have finally gotten around
    to it. Here is the nearly final version based on all the options I have
    received and seen off the list.

    Compiling options
    Feature =[on,off]

    Cross platform options
    prefix=/usr/local or prefix=/usr/share set AbiWords (preferred) install
    ABI_BUILD_VERSION=x.y.z set Abiword compile version
    ABI_OPT_DEBUG=[1,0] enable debugging
    ABI_OPT_LIBXML2=[1,0] enable LibXML2 support
    UNIX_CAN_BUILD_STATIC=[1,0] Include all libraries within Abi's
    UNIX_CAN_BUILD_DYNAMIC=[1,0] Link to libraries in Operating System
    ABI_OPT_GNOME=[1,0] enable Gnome support
    ABI_OPT_LIBJPEG=[1,0] enable LibJPEG support
    ABI_OPT_BIDI_ENABLED=[1,0] enable Bidirectional text support
    ABI_OPT_BIDI_RTL_DOMINANT=[1,0] enable Right-to-Left Bidirectional
    ABI_OPT_PERL=[1,0] enable Perl scripting

    ABI_OPT_PSPELL=[1,0] enable Pspell
    ABI_OPT_PROF=[1,0] for profiling flags I think
    ABI_OPT_WAY_TOO_MANY_WARNINGS=[1,0] linux one to disable some

    Linux specific options
    ABI_OPT_GNOME=[1,0] enable Gnome support
    ABI_OPT_BONOBO=[1,0] enable Bonobo support
    ABI_OPT_LIBJPEG=[1,0] enable LibJPEG support
    ABI_REQUIRE_PEER_ICONV=[1,0] require LibICONV support to build
    ABI_REQUIRE_PEER_LIBPNG=[1,0] require LibPNG support to build

    Windows specific options
    ABI_OPT_CYGWIN_UNIX=[1,0] (cywin/gcc/gtk instead of native windows

    These are used, but generally should be left unset so they are auto set.

    To build a distribution on Linux.
    ABI_DIST_TARGET=rpm OUT=<dir> \
    ABI_BUILD_PACKAGER="You <email@of.yourse.lf>"

    ABI_OPT_LIBXML2=[1,0] enable LibXML2 support
    ABI_OPT_PERL=[1,0] enable Perl scripting

    Question 1: What is Bonobo, and why would I enable it?
    Q2: What is LibXML?
    Q3: What is 'ABI_OPT_OPTIMIZE' optimizing?
    Q4: I know Gnome is Linux specific, but what else is? I would like to
    list them as such.


    Scott Bingman

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