Re: commit: hyperlink work

From: David Chart (
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 15:17:20 EST

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: [AbiCalc] Spreadsheet proposal"

    --On 24/3/02 15:06 +0000 Tomas Frydrych wrote, quoting Pat Lam:

    >> heuristic for bookmark is now Contains-A-Dot
    > Could you please explain more what this means? Thanks.

    It means that foo.html is not given a #, but foobar is. doesn't get
    a #, either.

    This hack should actually work for the docs, and it's easy to explain to
    people, so until the UI is altered to let you choose at insertion whether a
    link is internal or external, it seems like the best way to do it.

    David Chart

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