Alan's excellent idea

From: F J Franklin (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 09:52:31 EST

  • Next message: Pierre Abbat: "Re: ja-JP.po update"

    Hi, I'd just like to throw my support behind Alan. While I support
    gnumeric as a fine and upstanding example of an Open Source application
    for GNOME environments, AbiSuite is all about XP. If people really believe
    that gnumeric is the be all and end all of OSS spreadsheets, then, well,
    let them eat cake.

    Personally, much as I admire GNOME on Linux, you won't catch me using it
    on MacOSX. In fact I recommend Mesa. It's not Open Source, but it's not
    Microsoft either.

    There is certainly a gap here for an OSS spreadsheet, and AbiCalc or
    AbiSheet or AbiCellMaster or whatever is not a bad idea. In fact, if Alan
    is willing to pay for its development then yay! yay! it's a good idea.
    Don't, and let me repeat that: Don't, discourage him.

    Alan: Keep it up. Money may be the root of all evil, but the end justifies
    the means. Bravo!

    Ciao, Frank

    Francis James Franklin

    "No, she really likes me. She told me I look like Britney Spears, and why
    would you say that to somebody you don't like?"
                                                               --- Elle Woods

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