Re: Worked perfect!

From: F J Franklin (
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 12:38:46 EST

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "commit: abi: install (Bug 2270)"

    > That did the trick. I looked at what you did and I don't really
    > understand what it does, other than add one include statement.
    > Can you explain this comment a little for me? What is the issue with
    > peanut?
    > > linux with dodgy sys-iconv (Bad Peanut! Bad!)

    GNU libc for the last couple of years has included an iconv
    implementation, thus removing the need to install a separate iconv
    library. Solaris and HPU/X (sp?) do this as well... but iconv has changed
    and improved a *lot* in that time.

    Thus the need for libiconv. But that means you have two versions of iconv
    on the system, and usually the best solution is to install GNU libiconv on
    top of the system iconv (i.e., so that "iconv.h" is replaced) - but most
    people (like me) are reluctant to do this. So.

    AbiWord's build system isn't the most configurable in the world, and it
    tends to get confused when there are multiple versions of iconv lying

    In this case, regardless of whether peer libiconv was found/requested,
    AbiWord was saying: "Linux, hey, cool. I'll just use the system iconv."
    All I did was give it a whippin'. Now it stares sullenly at you, saying:
    "Use *peer* iconv? Well, suit yourself."

    > I really thought I was doing something wrong. I must say having two
    > build systems really confuses me. I fairly well understand the autoconf
    > setup, but the diving make tortures my mind at the moment.

    Yeah, my mind still gets a little bruised by diving make.

    > How did you trouble-shoot this problem? (Short answer please)

    Installed peanut, spent several hours building AbiWord. Kinda fun.

    Ciao, Frank

    Francis James Franklin

    "No, she really likes me. She told me I look like Britney Spears, and why
    would you say that to somebody you don't like?"
                                                               --- Elle Woods

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