AbiWord 1.0.3 on RH8

From: ericzen (ericzen@ez-net.com)
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 13:38:17 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: UT_LangInfo work"

    From: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=77102

    On 2002-11-01 10:59:57, katzj@redhat.com wrote:
    > We shipped abiword 1.0.2 in Red Hat Linux 8.0. The configuration is
    > mind-numbingly boring, so the only way I can see this causing problems if
    > if the problem code is upstream. Especially since you seem to imply that there are
    > reports of the same problem on Windows.
    > I've confirmed that this works correctly with 1.0.2, so this is NOTABUG for me
    > until we ship something newer and see if the problem occurs.

    This isn't a 1.0.2 issue--this is a 1.0.3 issue. I don't really think you can call it not a bug until you've actually tried it. I mean, users of RH want the latest AbiWord, and if they have problems with it that may be caused by your setup, I would actually be foolish enough to think you would help, especially since RH has NEVER upgraded the AbiWord a particular version ships with. As for the Windows reference, I'm still not sure about that report as I was never able to find it again, thus assuming I correctly remember the Windows part which I cannot be certain of to any degree. But, the two that were found were both RH8 which could help with some looking into.


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