Encoding issues

From: Christian Biesinger (cbiesinger@web.de)
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 11:07:29 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Re: Encoding issues"

    so you may remember that some time ago, I checked in a patch to change the
    encoding that AP_DiskStringSet uses to whatever
    XAP_App::getDefaultEncoding uses (or something like that, can't remember
    what exactly I did :) ).

    Anyway, it looks like this broke non-US-ASCII characters in the statusbar,
    because of this piece of code in ap_StatusBar.cpp, line 493, in
    AP_StatusBar::setStatusMessage(const char * pBuf, int redraw)

    That function just uses the encoding that the default constructor of mbtowc
    thinks is good as the source encoding. That seems to be ISO-8859-1 for me.
    However, due to the patch I mentioned above, that string is already in
    This means that the statusbar will not display special characters (like,
    but not limited to, german umlauts) correctly. Instead, it will show
    characters looking like undecoded UTF-8 (like Ì)

    So... the question is:
    What's the best way for fixing this?
    Should UT_UCS4_strcpy_char take an additional (maybe optional) argument,
    specifying the charset to convert from? AP_StatusBar would pass the result
    of XAP_App::getDefaultEncoding to it, and this would work...

    Other ideas?

    (Should I put this in bugzilla instead?)

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