Commit: MSWord table import improvements

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 14:05:54 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "commit: status bar fix and dialog box center"

    Martin, Sorry if this treads on your toes at all. I know you said you
    were working on it last night, but I was able to fix it pretty quickly.

    Fixes: uses units for line-width strings
    Fixes: tables can stretch across the entire document (bug 4275)

    There are still some bugs that I've not yet handled. For instance, the
    document says "I'm 8.25 inches wide" at one point. And then, later, it
    says "make this table 8.65 inches wide and split it up between 4 cells"
    This has the unfortunate side-effect of possibly clipping some cells
    from some multi-cell wide tables, since we only have (8.25 inches -
    left margin - right margin) worth of space to draw 8.65 inches worth of
    data into. Yuck. OpenOffice seems to get this right. Otherwise, 4275
    looks prettier in Abi than it does in OO, minus our lack-of-support for
    MS LineDrawings.


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