Re: Announce: Intent to tag/release soon

Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 13:08:52 EST

  • Next message: David Chart: "Re: Announce: Intent to tag/release soon"

    Of course, it's not up to me when to release, but I think the
    caret and selection problems are enough to make the tree
    pretty much unusable on Unix as it stands. IMO, we should
    all buckle down and try to fix these problems, even if it
    means delaying the release by a week.

    I spent some time working on the selection problem this
    morning. I think the problem is in some mouse event resetting
    the selection (m_iSelectionAnchor in FV_View _is_ being reset
    where it shouldn't be), since I don't get the same behaviour
    using the keyboard.

    We aren't getting the same behaviour on Windows. I can only
    assume this has something to do with the recent double-buffering
    changes, although I can't for the life of me imagine why..

    Perhaps I will have time to work on this some more this evening.


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