Bugzilla getting out of hand

From: Dom Lachowicz (domlachowicz@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 14:18:16 EST

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Fix table/cursor bugs."

    Hi folks,

    I'm just writing you all to let you know that bugzilla
    is rapidly approaching 1,000 bugs. We're up to 965,
    which is a varitable mountain of bugs. It would
    probably take a "Martin" man year or better to close
    them all.

    I'd appreciate it if people would spend a little time
    getting familiar with some of the bugs in bugzilla. A
    lot of bugs need to be triaged. Even more need some

    "What can I do to help?" you ask. Well, there are a
    few things:

    1) Help triage bugs. Make sure the platform is
    correct, milestone is correct, bugs have enough
    information to reproduce and possibly even fix, etc...
    Matthew Craig, Hakon, MG, and others have done a great
    job with this so far, but I'm sure that they could use
    some help.
    2) Fix bugs or parts of bugs
    3) File new bugs as they arise
    4) Confirm/deny that bugs have actually been fixed,
    and CLOSE/REOPEN as necessary.

    Now, not all bugs are "true" bugs - a lot of stuff in
    bugzilla are RFEs. "But I want to work on my favorite
    feature XYZ and not fix bugs" you say. Odds are XYZ is
    in bugzilla already. If not, put it in bugzilla so it
    gets triaged and noticed by others. Then start working
    on it. The feature set for 2.0 is not yet frozen, but
    if bugzilla doesn't show improvement in the near-ish
    future, it might soon become so. So for now, please
    make sure your RFE gets filed and then start working
    on it.

    I don't expect all or even the majority of these bugs
    and RFEs to be closed before 2.0 is released. But it
    would be nice if as many as possible got addressed.
    Not many people will be upset if we don't have "Open
    EBook XML" or "US Congress DTD" support. A lot of
    people will be if Insert->Endnote crashes

    As always, work on what you might find interesting.
    There's something in bugzilla for everyone's taste,
    and more than enough to whet your appetites. AbiWord
    2.0 should have a lot of "spit and polish." Let's make
    it shine.


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