Re: commit - Move Toolbar Strings into .string files

From: Kenneth J.Davis (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 19:18:46 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: commit - Move Toolbar Strings into .string files"

    Dom Lachowicz <> wrote on 9/10/2002 5:48:49 PM:
    >On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 05:30 PM, Alan Horkan wrote:
    >If we can make translator's lives easier. potentially attract more
    >translators, resulting in more people using our product *without any
    >negative impact on our product*, what else can I do other than
    >whole-heartedly endorse that plan?

    I have only one question, is gettext actually ported to Windows... or
    at least 'clean' code that not only compiles on Windows (or name
    your favorite non-POSIX/UNIXish platform) but has no hard coded
    expectations of paths, temp directories, etc. ?
    We already have popt... so before adding another dependency
    that needs work on non-Unix platforms, I am just curious how
    much work will platform maintainers need to do? If it is
    like PNG/ZIP/etc then from its benefits I think it will be a
    great advantage and easy to use, but having never used it I am
    curious if anyone has experience with it on non-Unix platforms.
    I suppose Michael Pritchett or someone has already looked into
    this or at least aware of its use on other platforms.

    Jeremy Davis
    wanting time to get back to working on AbiWord :-)

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