I18N and L10N pages on abisource.com

From: Andrew Dunbar (hippietrail@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 03:56:04 EDT

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "commit: win32 build fixes"

    I've been thinking about maintaining or starting off
    some pages on abisource.com specifically related to
    language issues.

    One thing I'd like is to create a list of most voted
    for internationalization bugs exactly like what
    appears for general bugs and RFE's in AbiWord Weekly

    I'd also like to improve the "Supported Languages"
    table which is really only about spell-checking and
    not about other aspects of language support such as
    whether each language is available from the language
    dialog, whether there is an interface translation,
    whether the language is supported by various file
    importers and exporters, and whether special features
    of that language are available - such as BiDi,
    vertical text for CJK, localized quote marks,
    combining characters, etc.

    If somebody can point me to where to start, give me
    access to the web server maybe, and tell me how to go
    about making the top 20 features, I'd be most

    Andrew Dunbar.

    http://linguaphile.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/translator.pl http://www.abisource.com

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