The AbiWord side of a grammar checker (was Re: Implementing support for barbarisms correction)

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 02:07:13 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: The AbiWord side of a grammar checker (was Re: Implementing support for barbarisms correction)"

    On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, [iso-8859-1] Andrew Dunbar wrote:
    > What we probably need to do is start designing a
    > grammar checker framework, complete with a plugin
    > interface for extensions, and design the barbarism
    > checker as a plugin for it.

    I've discovered that I personally definately need a grammar checker so I'm
    happy to help out though not take the lead on a grammar checker.

    There are two components. The "squiggling" implementation and the actually
    parsing of text.

    Regarding the squiggling, we can borrow much of the design from the

    To remind people this works by building a vector of pointers to
    fl_BlockLayout classes then processing these during idle time in the GUI

    The fl_BlockLayout classes container pointer to text in the piecetable
    which is seperated by white space characters into words. These words are
    fed through the spell checker.

    A grammar check would do exactly the same except it would have to
    recognize sentences and parse these through to the grammar checker.

    I think we can reuse much of the spell checker code so that
    fl_BlockLayouts are parsed through to both the spell checker and the
    grammar checker.

    If a region of the text is found to be suspect the text is marked with a
    green squiggle two pixels below the red squggle.

    Hmm the more I think about this, the easier it seems. We can re-use a lot
    of the existing classes and methods and just add extra code to split
    the text into sentences as well as words.

    The grammar checker would have to mark the start and end points of the
    dodgy text and send this info back. Then we reuse the squiggle code to
    draw between the points.

    I think this would not be hard to get working rather quickly.

    see the code in the file fl_BlockLayout.cpp



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