AbiWord@MinGW: compiled successfully

From: Sinitsyn Valentine (Valentine.Sinitsyn@usu.ru)
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 04:24:26 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Dunbar: "Commit: sardinian dictionary"

    MG> Regarding your problem, fjf thought he fixed this but apparently didn't
    MG> entirely.
    MG> On another note, how did you get by the WinMain@16 linker problems with
    MG> those other libs (like libiconv)? Did you have to make any changes to
    MG> your system or libiconv? Several of the abiword developers, including
    MG> myself, have attempted to get reliable cross [and free native] compiling
    MG> of abiword (to then document and support it), but have failed to get
    MG> beyond that linker error.

    I've just successfully compiled AbiWord-1.1.4 (.tar.gz, expat,
    fribidi, libicon, libpng, nsis, popt, wv and zlib libraries
    are from CVS as for 5-6 April 2003) in MinGW
    2.0.0-3/MSYS-1.0.8/Win98SE enviroment. I see no linker errors but I have
    to do some fixes. I don't think all of them are vital or even correct
    from global point of view but them seems to work.

    1. abi/src/config/platforms/mingw32.mk
        Move comment on a line 36 to the next line. This will make
        ABI_OPT_PACIFY_COMPILER to be equal to "1", not "1 #some stuff here"
        and ifneq at line 114 will correctly remove "-ansi" from the compiler
    2. mingw/include/wingdi.h
        MinGW Win32 API is not complete. In particular, it lacks
        DM_SPECVERSION macro. One may try to download newer headers from
        www.mingw.org or just put the definition into wingdi.h. I've used
        "#define DM_SPECVERSION 0x0400", the complete code can be found in
        wingdi.h of Borland C Compiler 5.5 (freely available from
        www.inprise.com), MSVC 6 or any other Win32 C/C++ compiler
    3. abi/src/af/xap/win/*.rc2
        There is a typo in xap_Win32Res_DlgLanguage.rc2. One should remove
        comma at the end of the line 46. Then one should insert '#include
        <windows.h>' line in every file, which has STYLE statement (Almost
        all rc2 files have it)
    4. abi/src/config/abi_defs.mk
        607: EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(ABI_ROOT)/../expat/.libs -lexpat
        Original version has incorrect path to expat lib.

    AbiWord.exe produced by MinGW seems to be stable (at least, it does'nt
    hangs or crashes after opening, typing some letters, saving them and
    exiting). The only bad thing is that it is compiled as console
    application so there is nasty DOS window when it is running. Maybe
    this is some way to handle this issue via
    abi/src/config/platforms/mingw32.mk's *_FLAGS variables?


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